IT4Freedom was created by Didier Cardoso, a freelancer, to improve infrastructures of all companies.
Location |
IT4Freedom |
Contact |
Scheme |
Physical people |
Address |
IT4Freedom - Didier Cardoso
Rue Longue 27 Bte K10
1420 Eigenbrakel
Phone |
+32 (0)2 888 93 42 |
BE80751210018477 |
Didier Cardoso |
Publication |
IT4Freedom |
Hosting |
IT4Freedom |
Owner |
IT4Freedom |
Webmaster |
IT4Freedom |
Customer services |
IT4Freedom |
Texts |
IT4Freedom |
Images |
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This website respects privacy of your data. There are no ads, and audience is measured with opensource software Fathom, hosted on this server. We do not send any data.
The hosting is done by IT4Freedom. Personal data are managed with auto-hosting tools Postfix, Dovecot, Kopano, Nextcloud, Zabbix, Salt, Debian and Gentoo.
Some areas of this website can contain comments or send messages.
Personal data¶
You can use the contact form by adding the tag [DPO] at the beginning of the subject for your rights on personal data: deletion, modification, access, asking information or other. This question will be answered under three working days, except in case of holidays.