Terms of Use¶
Art. 1 - Common¶
These terms of use aims to specify rules to access on communication services of IT4Freedom.
IT4Freedom is also named “the company”.
The user is the physical person who uses the services.
Art. 2 - Separability¶
The nullity of one term does not cancel all terms of use.
Art. 3 - Cooperation, honesty¶
All parts commit themselves to engage all reasonable ways with honesty for the good execution of the service.
Art. 4 - Subcontracting¶
The company can subcontract part or all of the furnitures, services or other object of the order. The customer is informed about concerned objects and the identity of the provider. He can accept or decline the subcontract. Without any answer in eight days, the subcontract is rejected.
Art. 5 - Access¶
Access of communication services is strictly reserved to the customers of IT4Freedom.
The general website is readable by everyone.
Some of confidential and personal data can be displayed on services. Only concerned users can access to them.
Access to services can be provided by simple password and username (non secured area) or by certificate or by OTP.
Each additional access for a company must be asked, and the user receive one copy of current terms.
In case of thief, loss, breakage or freeze of the card, PIN code, PUK code, username, password, the user must contact IT4Freedom within two hours by phone and by email. The tag [URGENT] or [EMERGENCY] must begin the subject of the email.
Art. 6 - Disponibility¶
The company can stop in any time, and for an unknown duration, all or part of services. Some temporary or definitive solutions with same or better quality are proposed in case of more than 48 hours of outage on services used on data exchange for a contract.
Free services without subscription or non necessary services for a contract are not guaranteed.
Art. 7 - Prices¶
Access to services can be free of charge or paying in accordance with contracts.
Art. 8 - Exoneration of responsability¶
The company does not have any responsibility on the non execution of contract in case of one event in:
an event of absolute necessity, meaning all fact preventing a partial or a complete execution of the contract without any reasonable way to overcome by the company or one of its substitutes;
intervention of a third party;
each fact from the customer without written agreement of the company;
each problem from the necessary furnitures external to the company.
Art. 9 - Reserve of property¶
The content of services, except user and customer data, is the exclusive property of IT4Freedom.
Art. 10 - Termination¶
All services will be terminated automatically in case of non payment of advance, situation or balance.
In case of termination by a fact from the customer or by non payment, all amounts already paid are definitive, without any refund, without all damages that can be assigned. The customer gives all furnitures, projects and works to the company.
In case of termination by the company, all works and data pushed on the services until the termination are given to the customer. The customer receive an invoice based on delivered furnitures and effective work. All non delivered furnitures and services are not due. If the customer paid an overdue amount, the company refund the difference until 30 days. IT4Freedom have no obligation to convert data or services to an other form.
The company and the customer can terminate the contract at any time, respecting points 2 and 3 of this article.
In case of non respect of the rules of this terms of use, access to the services will be automatically revoked. Some alternative solutions can be proposed for the good execution of the contract, like installation of a server at charge of the customer.
Art. 11 - Terms of use¶
The user commits on:
respect good morality, don’t hurt the sensitivity of others, of age or not;
respect law and order;
don’t transmit confidential data on public areas;
send only his own data, without intellectual property flaws;
do not discriminate or encourage to discriminate others or group of others because of religion, ethnic, race, sexual orientation or disability;
do not encourage hatred, violence, suicide, murder, assassination, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, war crime apology, human crime apology, commit crime, commit offense, or terrorism;
do not encourage others to get illegally data, software, works or all other things damaging rights or goods of others;
do not denigrate or be defamatory;
do not damage image, reputation, representation of a physical person, of a brand or of a company;
do not advice a doubtful, fraudulent or illegal practice;
do not advert for his own account or account of other;
do not send pornographic or child pornographic photo or image;
do not compromise privacy, image or data of others;
do not advise polluting, environmental harmful or health harmful practice;
respect ethical and deontological rules of IT4Freedom.
IT4Freedom can modify or delete a data or a message of an user for the moderation, to assure respect of rules, people, systems and environment.
IT4Freedom is not responsible of data sent by an user.
An user can notify any abusive content by a specific link, by email or by phone. IT4Freedom manages only legitimate cases.
Art. 12 - Documents hierarchy¶
Contractual documents are composed by a proposal, general terms, and specific terms. In case of contradiction, specific terms apply in maximum priority, except if an other hierarchy is explicitly indicated.
Art. 13 - Legal application¶
Present terms are under belgian laws. English translation is indicative, please refer to the official document in French.
Art. 14 - Dispute¶
The company, the customer and the user commit to do their best to found an amicable agreement for a good execution of the contract or of the sale.
But, if no solution is found, the dispute will be sent to a belgian court.
In case of dispute with professionals or sellers, the court will be the nearest of the company ever what are terms of sale or payment, ever in dispute on guarantee or multiple sellers or contractors. The company can also send the dispute to the competent court of the customer.
If the company doesn’t apply a right guaranteed in this terms doesn’t mean it doesn’t in the future.